(03) 9854 6254

Client focused competitions

A unique way to improve client experience, maximise referrals, improve Google rankings and generate long term practice developments. And it’s fun as well.


For over 24 years we have supplied all the normal digital services, in fact we are the only supplier to do so, which also makes us more an employment option than just another service provider.


We have always tried to find new ideas that generate the outcomes listed above and we have found one.



Results achieved:

  • 75+% Open rate – 2-3 times better than any newsletter.
  • Up to 9x increase in website traffic which Google rewards with better rankings
  • Client feedback is better than any other method
  • Clients feel they are getting more value for money
  • Clients love being involved in something that’s fun and simple


  1. The practice can include business clients such as cafes, restaurants, and attractions to help them out of their COVID slump.
  2. Show community leadership.
  3. Offer the practice’s business clients access to a new market.

   Utilising your News & Practice Update to serve your practice better!

Example 1.  Best restaurant in town

  • Associate class and quality of your practice with that of the ‘best restaurant in town’
  • Help that restaurant get exposure to your client base


Example 2.  Business clients provide prizes

  • A number of prizes allow more client contact
  • More contact means more website traffic


We work with you but manage the competition by adding a landing page and sending e-mails.  You draw prize winners and notify them individually and via e-mail.

Cost:  $750 for our work plus the cost of the dinner for two.  If business clients provide prizes than they will most likely be free of charge and are usually in the form of vouchers or produce.